How to Know It’s Time to Hire a VA or Consultant

Have you been thinking about hiring a VA or consultant to help you in your coaching business? Or adding an additional one? But maybe you aren’t sure if it’s the right time to pull the trigger?

 Well, I’m here to help, by sharing the…

Top 10 Signs It’s Time to Hire a VA or Consultant (or add another one!)

#10: You keep thinking about it!!

If you’re thinking, “Wow, maybe I need some help,” then you probably need some help.

#9: You’re doing more social media, onboarding, billing, bookkeeping, website troubleshooting, etc., than…coaching!

And the only one of those things listed that is a pure revenue-generating activity is…the coaching.

#8: You continue to do things you absolutely HATE doing
or SUCK at!

And we keep doing these things, why? Hmmm.

#7: You continue to do relatively simple tasks, just cuz you like to do ‘em.

Or, you keep doing simple repetitive tasks someone else could/should do because, “Well, it only takes me five minutes, so I just bang it out.”

Ya. But it’s not a 5min task. It’s a 5min times 250 workdays each year = a 21-hour task! And if your coaching rate is, say, just $100/hour, it’s effectively costing you $2100 a year -- at minimum.

#6: Your work/life balance feels…outta balance!

It’s tough enough just being a solopreneur who works from home. It’s all but impossible to keep our business doings separate from our family and personal doings.

But not having VAs and consultants helping us results in even more of that feeling of, “I don’t know where my workday ends and my actual life begins!”

#5: You’re asking your teenager -- or your niece or the neighbor’s kid -- to create or fix things for you.

For example, helping you configure something on your website, or show you how to edit an image, set up your calendar, use Canva, etc.


#4: You’re getting pretty good at Canva! Or at beautifully formatting your blog posts!

Yay! But these take time away from writing your great content!

#3: You're not able to work enough on the things you do best, and/or the things only you can do.

Those will be different for everyone, but for most of us, will tend to be revenue-generating activities. And not working enough on your RGAs is stunting the growth of your business.

#2: You want to pursue a new business initiative, but can’t seem to find the bandwidth to move that forward.

E.g., you want to create Group Coaching or an Online Course, but that project keeps getting pushed back again and again.

And the #1 – and overarching – Sign It’s Time for You to Hire a VA or Consultant – or add another one….

#1: You’re working in your business more than on your business.

The critical work of growing and scaling your business is simply not getting done! Too much of your time is spent “in the weeds” of running your business, instead of thinking, planning and executing your next-level business plans!

If some or many of these signs resonate with you, next week I’ll share some of the key reasons…Why It’s So Hard to Hire a VA/Consultant.

What are your thoughts on this topic? I'd love to know. Shoot me an email at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @alanpbrown.




P.S.: I want to invite you to my upcoming no-cost Masterclass...

This masterclass will be offered ONCE, on...

Wednesday, June 28 at 12pPT/3pET. SEATS ARE LIMITED

Watch and learn the Foolproof 4-Step Formula for Hiring a Great VA or Consultant, including:

√ The Key Questions to First Ask Yourself before hiring

√ What million-dollar solopreneur businesses put in their job postings to attract the best people

√ How to ‘Interview Like a Detective’ and get deeper insights into candidates

√ How to Spot the Hidden Red Flags and avoid a disastrous hire


I hope to see you there!


50% Complete

Two Step

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