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The 10 Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make On Their Home Page
It’s your most important representation of you and your business. Are you making any of these common mistakes?
Your website’s homepage is your primary outward-facing platform, and your most powerful tool for turning prospects into clients and buyers.
Yet most coach websites have unnecessary mistakes that undercut trust-building and conversion.
The list of common mistakes is long, but here are the 10 biggest – each fixable without too much time/money.
Hi, I'm Alan
I teach coaches and other “doing-it-all-myself” solopreneurs ways to scale their business – and the productivity hacks to get it all DONE.
I hope you’ll take just a few minutes to find out which of these mistakes your website might contain. I’m rooting for you to build the coaching business you’ve always dreamed of!
- Alan P. Brown, Founder of Crusher™ Coaching and #1 Best-Selling Author of Zen and the Art of Productivity.